Hipnosis no verbal y Mesmerismo® Máster Training en línea
¡El Santo Grial de la hipnosis y el desarrollo personal!
La Masterclass más poderosa y avanzada sobre hipnotismo, fascinación e hipnosis no verbal. Sumérgete en técnicas secretas redescubiertas: una auténtica tradición actualizada con la ciencia cuantística moderna.
Imagina ser REALMENTE capaz de dominar cualquier técnica de hipnosis no verbal y mesmerismo. Incluso los más desconocidos y secretos. Entra al secreto. El SECRETO está dentro de ti. Y ahora imagina usar estas técnicas, para tu bienestar y en la vida real para: administrar un período desafiante y levantarse después de eso, comenzar o impulsar un negocio al encantar a las personas como la mejor opción obvia, encantar a las personas con sus ideas, hipnotizar para curación, y lo más importante, manejar tus estados internos y desarrollar la fuerza y el poder en ti más allá de tu imaginación…
¡Adquirir habilidades son las únicas cosas esenciales en este momento!
Estas técnicas ya eran útiles y buscadas antes de este brote de pandemia. Ahora hay una necesidad aún mayor de aprenderlas. Ahora también existe una mayor conciencia sobre cómo mantenerse saludable y el bienestar en general. Aprovecha este tiempo que tienes y evitar quedar atrapado sin preparación por las oportunidades que se te presentan después de que termine esta emergencia de COVID-19. Actúa ahora …
“Captain, the hub is worried and very agitated about the quarantine they imposed on us at the port. Can you talk to us?”
“What troubles you, boy? Don’t you have enough food? Don’t you sleep enough?”
“This is not it, Captain, I can’t stand not being able to go ashore, not being able to embrace my loved ones.”
“And if they let you down and you were contagious, would you bear the guilt of infecting someone who can’t stand the disease?”
“I would never forgive myself, even if this plague was invented for me!”
“Maybe it is, but if it doesn’t?”
“I understand what you mean, but I feel deprived of freedom, Captain, they have deprived me of something.”
“And you deprive yourself of even more things, boy.”
“You are making fun of me?”
“Not at all … If you let yourself be deprived of something without responding adequately, you have lost”.
“So, in your opinion, if they take something from me, do I have to take other ones off to win?”
“Sure. I did it in the quarantine of seven years ago.”
“And what did you deprive yourself of?”
“I had to wait more than twenty days on the ship. I had been waiting for months to enjoy the port and enjoy some spring on land. There was an epidemic. In Port April they forbade us to go down. The first days were hard. I felt like you. Then I started to respond to those impositions by not using logic. I knew that after twenty-one days of behavior a habit is created, and instead of complaining and creating terrible ones, I started behaving differently from all the others. I began to reflect on who, in deprivation, has many and for all the days of his miserable life, to get in the right perspective, then I worked to win.
I started with food. I forced myself to eat half of what I normally ate, then I began to select more easily digestible foods, which would not overload my body. I went to feed on foods that, traditionally, contributed to keeping man healthy.
The next step was to combine this with a purification of unhealthy thoughts, to have them ever higher and nobler. I forced myself to read at least one page a day of a book on a topic I didn’t know. I forced myself to do physical exercises on the bridge at dawn. An old Indian had told me years ago that the body is empowered by holding its breath. I forced myself to take deep breaths every morning. I believe my lungs never reached such a force. The evening was the time for prayers, the time to thank some entity that rules everything, for not giving me the fate of having serious hardships for my whole life.
Always the Indian advised me, years before, to get into the habit of imagining light entering me and making me stronger. It could also work for loved ones who were far away from me, and so this practice also made an appearance on every day I spent on the ship.
Instead of thinking about everything I couldn’t do, I thought about what I would do once I got off. I saw the scenes every day, lived them intensely and enjoyed the wait. Everything you can get right away is never interesting. Waiting serves to sublimate desire, to make it more powerful.
I had deprived myself of succulent foods, of many bottles of rum, of blasphemies and curses to be listed in front of the rest of the crew. I had deprived myself of playing cards, of sleeping a lot, of lazing around, of thinking only of what they were depriving me of. “
“How did it end, Captain?”
“I acquired all those new habits, boy. They made me get off after much longer than I expected.”
“Did they also deprive you of spring, anyway?”
“Yes, that year they deprived me of spring, and of many other things, but I had nevertheless flourished, I had brought spring inside, and no one could have stolen it anymore”.
From a ancient secret hermetic book that is in one of the traditions we speak of in the course but it is also relevant to the present period. These were the questions of the candidate:
Q – Where are you?
A – In the earth. I am now in a stable ground and I can go up toward the heights
Q – Which season is it?
A – It is spring
Q – What is it you desire?
A -To expand and to flourish
Q – Do you think we can help you?
A – Yes
If you are or want to become an hypno/magnetic therapist, when people will crave for RAPID and effective methods to overcome mind and spirit illness, it will be absolutely necessary for you to be the one able to dispense those methods. But first work with yourself!
Finally, last but not least, some of these techniques (the hermetic techniques) were created in periods were epidemies were very frequent. Their goal was to boost energy add to boost improving the immune system.
We will describe them fully inside our program.

Descubre técnicas secretas para desarrollar dones ilimitados y potencial de magnetismo, fascinación, influencia psíquica, energía, vitalidad e ir más allá de tus límites personales. Redescubre la tradición de una escuela milenaria, actualizada con la experiencia de élite más reciente sobre el hombre y su potencial.
And… Before putting your hands on my Hypnosis and Mesmerismus® Master Training, let me tell you a few things.

From: Dr. Cupertino Castro
Dear Reader
Enhancing your skills, managing your internal states, boost your energy, persuade, negotiate, mind control seems to be pieces of a complicated puzzle : Non Verbal Hypnosis, Fascination and Mesmerismus (c) are the solutions to these puzzles!
Mi nombre es Dr. Cupertino Castro, y he estado investigando en este campo durante años.
También he publicado varios libros (disponibles en amazon.com) de estudio sobre auténticas técnicas de magnetismo. Entre estos: Guía fácil de hipnotismo y mesmerismo, hipnotismo y magnetismo del magnetismo.
También tengo un profundo conocimiento de las técnicas modernas: en mis años de investigación también he estudiado PNL, hipnosis tradicional, técnicas cuánticas y mi entrenamientos son reconocidos entre los más efectivos.
He entrenado personalmente: doctores (todas las especializaciones), gerentes, directores generales, investigadores, psicólogos, educadores, practicantes de artes marciales, abogados, etc.
He realizado capacitaciones en todo el mundo. Este es un sistema innovador de hipnosis.
También contribuyo a la expansión de AFEM (Association Francaise pour les Etudes Metaphysiques) fundada en 1945 que se basa en la tradición del Dr. Richet, entre los primeros en estudiar fenómenos similares.
< p> En el campo moderno, me he encontrado con varias autoridades italianas y estadounidenses de PNL, hipnosis y otras técnicas (John Grinder, Ormond McGill, Jerry Kein, Tad James, Gil Boyne y muchos otros) que proponen técnicas válidas, que, sin embargo, son no los que proponemos.
Lo que encontré es que la fascinación real y lo que podemos llamar «mesmerismo» va más allá y puede modelarse solo parcialmente con estos enfoques, que, aunque modernos, no proponen el conocimiento de algunos elementos y principios.
Estos principios son, en cambio, parte de la tradición europea que estoy discutiendo.
PNL, lingüística y verbal fueron creados por modelos de comportamientos verbales, y nunca han una efectividad completa al describir un comportamiento no verbal que actúa en otros niveles.
También el mi nd capta más rápidamente las señales no verbales que las señales verbales.
Cuando hablamos de no verbal, estamos hablando de un PODER interno.
Pero si hasta ahora solo aprendiste verbalmente técnicas estás en la página correcta. Aunque lo que aquí se expone es diferente de las técnicas modernas, es complementario y debe integrarse para obtener resultados más allá de lo que alcanzó hasta ahora.
En mi experiencia, veo que la PNL, el practicante de Quantum, etc. seguramente pueden complementar y mejorar su conocimiento. Puedes llegar a donde siempre has soñado llegar si tienes el coraje de profundizar en lo inexplorado e ir más allá de los límites.
Como nos encanta decir con Aristóteles, «el alma va más allá de sus límites» < Estás a punto de acercarte y experimentar uno de los conocimientos más intensos y poderosos jamás revelados.
The secrets of the authentic fascinators and hypnotists. The basis of Animal Magnetism and the development of Man. The seven ancient protocols. Discover the keys to a quantistic reality which brings man beyond his limits.
The power of hypnotism and mesmerism combined. Some people believe you need a trance: YOU DON’T NEED A TRANCE. Some People believe you need to speak: YOU CAN USE NON VERBAL, INTENTION, ENERGY INTENTION. Intention guides energy. Intention linked to intense vitality is the key of these apparently incredible feats. Use this skill in a therapeutic session and it will be skyrocketed. In fact many succesful therapists utilize the idea at the basis without even being aware of it and its other possible uses.
One of our awesome Youtube plailists with hundreds of video demonstrations.
The non-verbal is inborn and simple, while the verbal needs to be learnt and is complex
If the universe gifts you something which you fail to acknowledge and you thus turn it down, it is by no means guaranteed that such gift will come back or that the universe is going to hand it to you in the form you prefer. Placing ourselves in the position of welcoming the gifts which the Universe bestows on us is the key. Magnetism is one of those gifts!
The density of words is lower than the density of gestures. The self is primarily verbal, whereas one’s inward identity is primarily non-verbal. The body is non-verbal…
Until now we only did live trainings…
Now we have launched a new online program for giving you a powerful experience also online.
An online TRAINING
We’ve Developed a System for Helping you learn to transform yourself in 8+4 Short Weeks
This online training comes in two levels:
Diamond (8 weeks)
Diamond Plus (12 weeks + 2 personal lessons) this one is the most complete experience. It has been designed to be parallel and part of our online training
Due to the current circumstances we have redesigned this special training program to develop and manage your inner states, and learn the basics of working with other people
Now let’s take a look at everything you will get by becoming a Diamond or Diamond Plus member of my online training program.
- You’ll learn our proven processes for growing yourself
- You’ll work with me and my team in weekly live video calls and our private online community.
- Every week for a sufficient time, up to 14 weeks (8+4+2 weeks – depending as you have Diamond of 8 weeks or Diamond plus of 12 group weeks + 2 personal lessons), you’ll get an in depth video training to watch and you’ll participate in an interactive class.
- You’ll get weekly assignments to complete on yourself that will help you move toward your goals
- You’ll get the opportunity to receive personal, written plan about how to grow yourself based on all the principles you’ll learn in our Course (our course in reality is a Lab).
- You’ll get access to a small community working through the same assignments with you for support, encouragement, and accountability.
- The conversations are custom-tailored to your specific needs and goals.
- Diamond level: 8 weekly interactive lessons about all basics and advanced protocols of Non-Verbal Hypnosis, fascination, Mesmerismus®. You will be able to immediately apply these techniques to heal and to work on yourself and others, perform hypnotic regressions, induce therapeutic catalepsy, therapeutic mesmeric crises, free people from fears, phobias, emotional blockages, traumas etc.
- Diamond Plus Members will get 12 weekly lessons and 2 personal lessons for a more deep experience that will permit you to get the real flair of our fundamental offline course including the rare techniques of Di Pisa, advanced fascination and also the first and second chambers of our Magnetic and Hermetic Path!
- Diamond Plus: 2 Online one to one lessons and training directly with Dr. Paret and/or his Trainers (Diamond Plus Members only).
- BONUS you receive the mesmerismonline PLATINUM membership (original value 675 euros) : 30 original and exclusive video lessons to raise your magnetic charisma and healing power to the highest levels. You will find all the secrets you need to know to: resolve pain in yourself and others, rediscovering deep energy, Kundalini awakening, magnetic body awakening, perform enesthesia and analgesia, perform past lives regressions, third eye keys, decoding non verbal communication and much, much more…
- Also part of the Platinum BONUS 19 pdf manuals about alchemical paths, hypnotic gaze, magnetism, higher knowledge and wisdom of secret schools. Most of these manuals are about ancient manuscripts believed to be lost.
- And also also as part of the Platinum BONUS 35 e-books that will provide you with a practical and complete knowledge of topics regarding magnetism, mesmerism, personal power, mind control, clairvoyance techniques, healing through intervention on subtle bodies and much, much more …
- International certification, legally valid, which gives you the opportunity to open a profitable business as holistic operator.
Most of these techniques are NOT available elsewhere!
Most importantly you learn here from the source.

Why Mesmerismus®?
We use the term “mesmerismus” to distinguish ourselves from those who perhaps utilize “mesmerism” only because they have read books, but they lack direct knowledge.
These people are not keepers of the real method. They know not what they are talking about. There is in fact a secret. With secret we refer to something very vast, a combination of practical knowledge and a precise cosmology and inner states management, which is linked to the most modern discoveries of quantum physics, and which allows us to obtain results beyond our usual limits.
Just a mention about the interactive weekly lessons…
- Goal of your first week: Introducing and understanding the basic elements. This is the week to get you up-to-speed and immediately immersed in this new non-verbal reality. First ability to learn : Breathing, self perception, basic inner alchemy of the human being. But also, how to frame a session with a client and inductions methods you can apply immediately.
- Goal of your second week: Learn the benefits of Magnetic passes. Second ability to learn : Magnetic passes. How to use these abilities therapeutically and in a non-therapeutic setting
- Goal of your third week: Fascination. Third ability to learn : Fascination 1 – Practical – Passes on specific points – Mirror cold and warm water – polarities – fascination is a proprietary core therapeutic process and method.
- Goal of your fourth week: Become a fascinator. This week is not only about inductions, but also to use them to heal people. Fourth ability to learn: Classical induction with eyes (Lafontaine method) – classical induction with eyes and passes holding thumbs – balancing – putting away headache
- Goal of your fourth week: Become a fascinator. Learn something that will stay with you and change completely your life helping you going past your personal limits. Enter a new world. Fifth ability to learn : Presence – caducy exercise with polarities – insomnia – catalepsy – oculomotor blockage – hand blocked
- Goal of your sixth week: Personal magnetism (also fundamental to conduct advanced hypnotherapy). Learn to influence your reality. Help powerful change. Sixth ability to learn : Personal Magnetism Advanced – Polyvagal theory – self crise
- Goal of your seventh week: Cures. Seventh ability to learn : Cures (physical pains, headaches, further on regressions etc…)
- Goal of your heigth week: Various Applications. This week we see various techniques following the necessity of the participants
Diamond Plus Members advanced Lessons
Diamond PLUS is PARALLEL to our actual live training and entails deeper coaching
- Week 9 – Advanced techniques about «Mesmeric Crisis». Polyvagal theory as applied to solve longterm problems.Advanced techniques about «Mesmeric Crisis». Polyvagal theory as applied to solve longterm problems. These also are proprietary core therapeutic processes and methods. With the techniques, principles and approaches you’ll learn here, you’ll be ready for almost anything. You will able to solve even very deep stuff…
- Fascination – Week 10 – Prof. Erminio Di Pisa method, outlined completely and the basis of Virgilio’s method. These were powerful fascinators getting incredible results in seconds . Learn not only their methods but also what they said and how they set up the right conditions BEFORE they started their induction in order to maximize your results.
- Week 11 Advanced Hermetic knowledges. Increasing one’s self reliance. Eventually put one in contact with his higher genius
- Complete Access to the two hermetic chambers one and two
- Advanced Techiques Week 12 – we will take in charge the necessities expressed during the course and do 3 arguments more (for example Campanelli Technique and some Quantum techniques)
- Personal Path – (Week 13 and 14, but can be anticipated) During personal sessions with dr. Paret and/or his instructors you will be guided in deepening your personal path.
- Personal Action Plan to continue after the course
What you will find here is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM WHAT YOU FIND IN ANY OTHER SCHOOL OF ERICKSONIAN HYPNOSIS, ELMAN HYPNOSIS, NLP and can be complimentary, opening new dimensions. Can be useful both for your personal growth, than for becoming a better hypnotherapist. Use it for your personal growth or to help others.
What are the benefits you can gain with this “Extreme Hypnosis and Mesmerismus (c)” training?
- Exceptional increase of your personal magnetism. Access to the inner western keys for personal development
- Better relationship with yourself and others. Increased credibility, reliability, leadership and sex appeal starting from a better body perception. It is fundamental you learn to use your sensations and feelings
- Discover more about you, explore yourself and learn the unconscious language of the symbols. We will use universal symbols and inner alchemy symbols
- Discover Polyvagal Mesmeric Therapy: this kind of therapy is very powerful. Though it is better learnt with direct practice we will try to give you the most from a distance
- Discover the secrets of instant empathy. In fact learning hypnosis means knowing the communication. Inter alia, you’ll be capable of easily and naturally help those who are in trouble.
- Discover different states of hypnosis with their unique possibilities. Most people speak of «Trance» very generally. Enter deeper in learning Catalepsy, Somnambulism, ecstasy etc… (we have at least 7 different types of trances that we will explore)
- Depending on your interest, a big increase of persuasion ability, animal magnetism and influence skills that can help you to establish trust and emotional relationships.
- Expansion of the intellectual faculties, mnemonic, creative etc. Hypnosis is a natural state of expansion of the Self. In another department of the School we use hypnosis for learning foreign languages.
- Learn to get with yourself most of the hypnotic results. The mirror will be the help in an online course with symultaneous guidance of dr. Paret. After you will have aquired the ability in you it will be easier to work with other people.
- Have a true possibility to start or improve your professional holistic career in the field of wellness. Non verbal hypnosis ia real field of expertise.
- A key to Hermetism and inner alchemy. Many seek these techniques in the eastern knowledges. But in the west we have also a deep tradition. If you search for Kundalini, Yoga, Tao Yoga, Chinese Inner Alchemy, this ocurse will be very complimentary and will give you western keys.
We have tried to be as clear as possible in the description, but If you have any questions contact us and we will be glad to answer you!
€ 900
- 8 weekly interactive lessons (two months)
- Additional Module only in Diamond Plus
- 35 Videos
- Numerous Documents
- Complete Manual only in Diamond Plus
- Exercises on Hermetism – basic activation with mirrors
- Platinum Membership materials of mesmerismonline included as a BONUS (this membership is normally sold at a value of 675 euros) This membership includes: 30 VIDEOS 19 pdf 35 ebooks
- Good jumpstart to the offline course
- Specific certification
- Partly deductible from the offline course
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Diamond Plus
€ 1371
- 8 weekly interactive lessons (two months)
- additional module of 6 lessons (4 group interactive lessons + 2 individual lessons) – (one and a half month more)
- Personal Action Plan
- 50 Videos
- COMPLETE TRAINING MANUAL and Materials as in the online course
- Exercises on Hermetism – basic activation with mirrors
- Mirrors advanced practice – Access to two hermetic chambers
- Platinum Membership materials of mesmerismonline included as a BONUS (this membership is normally sold at a value of 675 euros) This membership includes: 30 VIDEOS 19 pdf 35 ebooks
- Completely equivalent to the offline course
- Certification as in the offline course
- Part of it and COMPLETELY DEDUCTIBLE from the offline course
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REFUND POLICY Because we would like this group to come together quite quickly, it has only a 14 day refund policy. That means if you decide that this group is not for you, please request your refund within 2 weeks of the course’s start date. After that, the fee is non-refundable.
NOTE We will conduct a personal interview with each participants. We reserve the right to accept only serious students that want to use these techniques for the good and for the benefit of others or for academic research. All materials included in the course are the fruit of a long and rare type of research and are to be considered as reserved for your own use and not to be diffused in forums , facebook etc… except for short excerpts by permission.
In order to retrieve EVERY SINGLE PART of what is the real and the only basis for obtaining immense and profound results in ourselves and in others -and amplifying our inner energy- we had to perform extensive research, by entering and initiating ourselves into the tradition of Animal Magnetism and Hypnotic Fascination. It is a field which directly touches man’s ESSENCE and his full development without any limit to his capacities.
In reality self development is a science. We had measured brainwaves and physiology associated with every single hypnotic state that you could get. We even collaborated in the past with various scientists to measure various changes and we will give you also related information in the course. But measuring is only the external part. To obtain real change you must start working within yourself. It is as in swimming. You can know the physics of floating in water but swimming is something else and you need a different approach.

This website is unique to the internet and until recently, it would have been fiercely challenged.
We have revived ancient mesmeric secrets and solved problems completely non-verbally. The reality of the brain is non-verbal! This is the only existing true school that works operatively and practically with effective and authentic techniques of mesmerism and personal magnetism …
THE AUTHENTIC TECHNIQUES OF HYPNOTIC FASCINATION AND MAGNETISM have in fact been an integral part of the hidden Knowledge in several Secret and initiatic Societies for thousands of years. They have been the basis for success for many people. These Societies said metaphorically: visit the interior of yourself to find the hidden stone, the unique medicine. They meant the path is within us. We have some original teachings never previously published. Techniques which connect man to Nature and to the force of elements and the light of the sun. They are techniques for which man, part of the universe, can operate on himself and influence his peers without any limit of matter and space.
How would you feel if you could know that you can develop an incredibile physical and mental energy? How would you feel if you could turn your life toward another direction and wake up to a new YOU?
The non-verbal is denser than verbal. Non verbal-hypnosis is faster than the verbal kind.
Not only, influence others, yourself, and reality? And know such powerful hypnotic and therapeutic techniques that are immediately effective? In other words these disciplines are also the key for Success and Personal Power.
The pages of history are in fact marked by the estreme influence of certain people who have marked humanity and who had come into contact, often by chance, with this power. Now, here, we are finally opening up to this rare and important knowledge. You are the makers of your own reality.

Choose to create a reality where certain things are possible We are allowed to teach you how. That which is taught in our training sessions develops the power in you. It is useful for immediate results but also absolutely necessary for all those who have a desire for improvement and to go beyond in life, and for those who are interested in a wide range of topics from esoterics, to hypnotism, from yoga to personal development… It is so ancient that it is now new.
You are about to discover new ideas which are also millenary, and are part of great revealed secrets dating back to ancient Egypt. These ideas cannot be found in NLP, traditional hypnosis (which thanks to these ideas can be brought back to its original power), and not even in the “modernized” version of oriental techniques presently diffused.
If you go on the internet you will find a lot of informations, but some of them are incomplete and knowledge is fragmented in to many pieces that it is unobtainable without a true master to guide you.
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I be admitted in such a program?
When you decide to participate and you pay you will immediately receive the Bonus of the Platinum membership (30 Videos various ebooks and pdfs). In a day or two we will send you a questionnaire or we will conduct a live interview. You are fully admitted only at the end of this interview. The interview is to evaluate your Goals Interests and Motivations. We want to give you what you expect to get. At the same time, as did the ancient schools, we keep a control on the entrance gate. We ask also to every participant to keep the materials and the techniques for themself and their personal use and not to diffuse them in forums, posts etc… if not for very small parts. If for some reason we decide not to admit you, you will receive your money back.
How much time of exercise will this require of me each week?
It’s hard to say exactly, but based on past experiences it’s clear that those who put more into the process see better results in their work. To give you a more concrete answer, though, it probably requires around 5-8 hours a week. In any case, from the first week you will participate in the online interactive course you will get techniques to induce immediately effective both for you than for other people.
How are the live sessions conducted?
The group live sessions last between an hour and a half and two hours. The final four sessions of the Diamond Plus package can be a little longer as we will try to satisfy each question, going even beyond the standard time. Each session is designed to be an interactive learning experience and includes:
– A follow-up on the previous week’s assignment.
– Additional training.
– Q&A on the weekly topic.
How are the personal coaching sessions conducted?
The personal coaching sessions last between 50 minutes and an hour. They will be adapted to fit the specific needs of each student.
Do I need to take an exam at the end of the Online course?
In order to obtain the same certificate as in the live course, you must submit videos where we can assess your abilities. If your interest is only personal for developing yourself or for some reason you dont have possibility of working with other people, as it is for somebody now in this period of restraints due to COVID-19, you will go through a taped personal assessment with a trainer. In any case similarly as in a public University, the exam is always public in order to show we give certificates only to people that merit them.
The Diamond Plus package offers the exact same PROGRAM you would receive in the fundamental and basic 5 or 6 days course we conduct around the world. In the plan of our school the online course should be even a prerequisite to participate in the offline physical training. The It is obviously geared toward what is more easy to do online.
Will I receive the same certificate as in the live course?
Yes, you will receive the exact same certificate if you opt for the Diamond Plus membership.
If after having followed the online course you decide also to join an offline live session we will give you an additional certificate mentioning the fact you physically participated “de vivo”.
Can I join if I can’t attend the live Q&A meetings and discussions?
Of course! While there’s a lot of value from interacting with the group in the live events, a recording of the sessions will be made available afterwards, which you can watch at your leisure. Just don’t wait too long to watch it so you can still do the assignments with the rest of the group and stay up-to-date with the discussions in our private online community.
This looks awesome, but that price! I can’t afford that.
I totally get it. This isn’t for everyone. I really do believe that many people want to learn something, so my YouTube channel will always be free and my books will always be affordable. For those who want a more on-going and deep personal touch and deeper secrets than what my channel offers, I’m offering this Course that in reality is a Lab and is completely parallel to our physical Live Course
In case it’s helpful, think about it this way: our normal rate for a one-on-one hour long consultation ranges from 197 euros to 497 euros per hour. Instead of an hour, you get access to me and the team for less than 100 euros per week. Plus access to many Videos unavailable in other places, guest experts, community, training, expert reviews, and more. I’m very proud of what my team and I have put together here and am glad I can offer it as affordable as we do for this Lab.
Here’s How It Works
8+4 Weeks Online Training
Combining the teaching of cutting edge of hypnosis with personal improvement techniques, each week you’ll get a specific training argument, going in depth on a topic that prepares you for the weekly assignment.
Fast Action Exercises
With implementation exercises at the end of each week, you’ll immediately apply what you learn and get feedback from your coach and the rest of the group.
Highly Intimate Community
We cap each class at 12 people in order to build an intimate, custom-tailored experience. It includes access to a private, online community for you to get quick feedback and hold you accountable to achieve your goals.
LIVE Weekly Calls
Each week, for the entire 8+4 weeks, you’ll jump on a call with your TRAINERS and ask questions directly about how to take your practice to the next level using the principles you learned that week..
Dedicated Expert
You’ll also be assigned a dedicated expert whom I’ve personally trained. This person will hold your hand through the entire process and give you feedback as you go through the 12 weeks.
Extensive Review
At the end and during the program, the cherry on top bonus is getting a feedback from other participants in the group. And at the end you’ll get a plan for future growth
See our Testimonials!
Our international students have always had an incredible rate of satisfaction.
The four steps formula
The training is conducted using the revolutionary 4 steps formula, that is a method that is also useful for hypnosis and coaching.
€ 900
- 8 interactive lessons
- Additional Module only in Diamond Plus
- 35 Videos
- Numerous Documents
- Complete Manual only in Diamond Plus
- Exercises on Hermetism – basic activation with mirrors
- Platinum Membership materials of mesmerismonline included as a BONUS (this membership is normally sold at a value of 675 euros) This membership includes: 30 VIDEOS 19 pdf 35 ebooks
- Good jumpstart to the offline course
- Specific certification
- Partly deductible from the offline course
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Diamond Plus
€ 1371
- 8 interactive lessons
- additional module of 6 lessons (4 group interactive lessons + 2 individual lessons)
- Personal Action Plan
- 50 Videos
- COMPLETE TRAINING MANUAL and Materials as in the online course
- Exercises on Hermetism – basic activation with mirrors
- Mirrors advanced practice – Access to two hermetic chambers
- Platinum Membership materials of mesmerismonline included as a BONUS (this membership is normally sold at a value of 675 euros) This membership includes: 30 VIDEOS 19 pdf 35 ebooks
- Completely equivalent to the offline course
- Certification as in the offline course
- Part of it and COMPLETELY DEDUCTIBLE from the offline course
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Because I would like this group to come together fairly quickly, it has only a 14 day refund policy. That means if you decide that this group is not for you, please request your refund within 2 weeks of the course’s start date. After that, the fee is non-refundable.
NOTE We will conduct a personal interview with each participants. We reserve the right to accept only serious students that want to use these techniques for the good and for the benefit of others or for academic research. All materials included in the course are the fruit of a long and rare type of research and are to be considered as reserved for your own use and not to be diffused in forums , facebook etc… except for short excerpts by permission.
Academia Americana de Neurociencias.